Kids Apples & Insects Learning Kit

Apples & Insects Unboxed: August 2024 Kids Sonder Agriculture Unboxed Learning Kit

According to the U.S. Apple Association, apples are the #1 fruit consumed in the United States. Sixty-seven percent of apples are grown for fresh consumption and 30% are processed into juices and other apple food products.

The science of fruit growing is called pomology. There are more than 7,500 apple varieties in the world. About 7,000 of these varieties are grown in the United States. Approximately 265.4 million bushels of apples are produced each year in the United States. While all 50 states grow apples, most of the U.S. apple production is centered in Washington state.

In agriculture, we have a love-hate relationship with insects. We value the importance of insects and arachnids in production and pollination but loathe those pesky crop destroyers and disease spreaders. Knowledge in entomology (study of insects) and pest management is important to the industry.

Welcome to the world of apples and insects with our August Kids Sonder Agriculture Unboxed learning kit! This monthly learning kit is full of apple and insect knowledge, information and learning activities for kids 9-13+. Come join us as we share all the fun and agriculture inspiration found in every kit.

See Inside Our Kids Sonder Agriculture Education Learning Kit - Apples & Insects Unboxed

Apples & Insects Unboxed Educational Guide and Apple Variety Identification Cards

Kids Sonder Agriculturists begin their journey with a comprehensive 24-page Educational Guide, filled with fascinating information about apples, the apple industry, and various insects. This guide is an engaging and informative starting point, providing a solid foundation of knowledge.

Additionally, the kit includes a breed or plant identification field guide binder card. This card introduces young learners to some of the most popular apple varieties and interesting bee facts. It’s a practical tool that helps children identify and understand the diverse world of apples and the essential role bees play in agriculture.

"Who was Johnny Appleseed?" by Joan Holub

Joan Holub’s “Who Was Johnny Appleseed?” delves into the life and legacy of one of America’s most beloved folk heroes. Johnny Appleseed, born John Chapman, was a pioneer nurseryman who introduced apple trees to large parts of the United States. His efforts not only transformed the American landscape but also laid the groundwork for the nation’s apple industry.

The story of Johnny Appleseed underscores the significance of individuals dedicated to agriculture. People like Johnny played a crucial role in shaping the agricultural practices and food resources we rely on today. His contributions highlight the enduring impact of agricultural pioneers who blend a passion for nature with an entrepreneurial spirit, ensuring the growth and sustainability of essential crops.

apple Taste Test Activity for Kids

Plant/Food Science Activity: Apple Taste Test

Pomologists and orchardists have spent years cultivating and growing the perfect apple. They use grafting and pollination techniques to cross different apple varieties, aiming to create the ideal apple. It’s important for kids to learn these concepts because understanding plant reproduction and the science behind it can spark curiosity, promote appreciation for agriculture, and inspire future innovations in food production. By using their five senses, children can explore and discover their own perfect apple, deepening their connection to nature and the food they eat.

bee apple pollination learning activity

Plant Science: Buzzy Bee Pollination

Bees play a vital role in growing apples and other crops through pollination. If an apple blossom is not fertilized, an apple will not grow in its place. Kids Sonder Agriculturists help Apple Orchardist, Tom, to pollinate his apple trees. Youth learn about how lost apples mean a loss of income for Tom and a reduced apple crop for consumers and apple product production.

insect arachnid identification cards

Entomology & Arachnology: Taxonomy of Insects & Arachnids


Taxonomy is the science of naming, describing, and classifying organisms, encompassing all plants, animals, and microorganisms of the world. The Linnaean system uses a 7-level hierarchical model to organize this diversity. It’s important for kids to learn this concept because it helps them understand the natural world, fosters critical thinking, and encourages scientific literacy. Additionally, understanding taxonomy is crucial in agriculture, as it aids in identifying and managing crop species, pests, and beneficial insects. In this introduction, we will explore the basic taxonomy of the Archnida and Hexpoda Orders, giving young learners the tools to classify and appreciate the diversity of life around them. Taxonomy of Insects and Archnid flashcards are offered separately in the Agriculture Unboxed Shop.

Kids Sonder Agriculture Unboxed

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Inspire and empower your kids to learn about agriculture, food and the environment with our agriculture education learning kits for kids 9-13+.

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