ohio caverns

Cool Caves and Caverns Activities for Kids

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I really like to find books and activities that go along with trips we take or places we visit. The books add an extra element and reference to whatever we are doing. And the stories are fun as well!

My son enjoys reading time together at night before he goes to bed, BUT he really doesn’t like reading by himself like he did when he was smaller. Anytime that we can sneak in reading time is a plus.

Here are six books that you can read with your family about caves and caverns.

Six Books About Caves for Kids

1) Caves and Caverns by Gail Gibbons

Grades 1-4

Another awesome book by Gail Gibbons! The book introduces young readers to different types of caves, spelunking, and general information about caves.

2) Exploring Caves (Journeys Into the Earth, National Geographic Kids) by Nancy Holler Aulenback and Hazel A. Burton

Grades 3-7

Based on an IMAX film, two female cavers explore ice caves in Greenland, underwater caves in Mexico, and terrestrial caves in the United States. Beautiful pictures.

3) Journeys to the Bottomless Pit (The Story of Stephen Bishop and Mammoth Cave) by Elizabeth Mitchell

Grades 4-8

We haven’t read this book yet, but it is saved to our list in preparation for our trip to Mammoth Caves in 2021. Stephen Bishop is a 17 yr old old slave who became known for his knowledge and exploration of Mammoth Caves.

4) Learning About Landforms: Caves by Ellen Labreque

Grades 1-3

Another beautiful book that describes different types of caves, how they are formed creatures found in caves.

5) Fly Guy Presents: Bats by Tedd Arnold

Grades PreK-K

For those that love the humor of Fly Guy, join him on an adventure learning all about bats. Cute! Fly Guy Presents: is a whole series of books introducing young children to various people, animals, places and things.

6) Buzz Beaker and the Cave Creatures by Cari Meister

Grades 2-3

A really neat series of books featuring an African American boy and his dad. Great book and all their adventures have a theme related to science. In this book, Buzz creates a new light invention. Buzz and his dad take his new invention to explore a cave.

Cool Caves and Caverns Activity Guide

Twenty percent of the land in the United States is composed of karst topography (sinkholes, underground streams, springs, caves, and caverns) and twenty-five percent of the world’s population depends on freshwater from this underground system.

Caverns and caves form a whole other world below our feet that most of us know little about.

We made a recent trip to the Ohio Caverns in Southwest Ohio. The history of the caverns and speleothem (stalagmites and stalactites) formations was amazing!

I created a collection of activities and lessons that supplemented the trip and can be used as an introductory cave and cavern lesson guide called Cool Caves and Caverns.

Beginner Cave and Cavern Activities

Fun Cave Words

There are so many cool words that have to do with caves and caverns such as spelunking, speleologist, stalactite, and stalagmites. Print the Fun Cave Words worksheet and match the fun cave or caverns word with its definition. Now when they ask a question on the tour, you’ll know the answer!

What is Karst?

Do you know the answer? Become acquainted with the features that make up karst topography. A quick fact sheet that describes each feature and what it is. Geographical terms and definitions that everyone should know and become familiar with.

Nature’s Beauty

Did you know that there are natural formations that are called bacon and soda straws? Learn the identity of six of the most common speleothems that are found in caverns.

Intermediate Cave and Cavern Activities

Cave Rock

Caves are created from the SLOW dissolving of carbonate and sulfate rocks. What are these rocks that dissolve? The Cave Rock quick reference guide describes the rocks that are most commonly found in cave formations.

Cave Formation Story

Expose your child to the sciences of geology, chemistry, and speleology while learning the story about how caves are formed. Your child will be introduced to geology while using their powers of observation to study limestone rock. Perform a very basic chemistry test on the limestone rock to learn how rocks dissolve. Bring it all together and learn the science of speleology, therefore understanding how caves are formed.

You can find a piece of limestone for the activity outside or from an online source such as Amazon.

Advanced Cave and Cavern Activities

Animal Adaptations

Who are the creatures that live in caves? Have your child pretend they are in a cave. Read the story that is in the guide. After each question, have them describe what they are hearing, seeing, or feeling. Learn about the four groups of creatures that are associated with cave living.

Research three animals from the Troglobites group and learn about the special way they have adapted to cave living.

Check out the activity guide and let me know what activities are your favorites in the comments below.

Happy Spelunking!

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