Kids Sonder Agriculture Unboxed Education Learning Kits
Hands-On STEM Activities and Agriculture Lessons Packed in Every Bi-Monthly Subscription Box
- We provide you with two year's worth of agriculture science learning (12 boxes)- educational curriculum provided. Each kit introduces a new theme from livestock animals to crops and horticulture.
- Our boxes introduce the what and why of agriculture, STEM skills and tools for becoming lifelong learners and experts in agriculture and the natural world around them.
- Our farm and agriculture themed boxes our a hit with homeschool, farm and 4-H families. All our boxes are planned for you with the background information, supplies and videos you need to educate future generations about agriculture, farming, gardening, and homesteading through a strong agricultural foundation.
You're in the right place!
Lesson Plan Info & Pricing
Our education subscription boxes cover a wide range of agriculture disciplines. Our themes include animal and plant science activities and lessons. We have mapped out two year’s worth of educational boxes.
You can choose bi-monthly “One Box at a Time” or a “Year of Agriculture” plans. You can cancel at anytime prior to your next renewal.
New subscribers will receive free gifts of Agriculture Unboxed Introductory Guide, U.S. Agriculture Top 10 Map and Food and Farm Fact Booklet/Trivia Cards.
Choose the yearly plan and receive a bonus, Agriculture Unboxed Field Guide Binder.
Click for Class Wallet Order Form and Charter School Affiliation information.
All Agriculture
Ships Monthly
Plans Start at $40 + $7 shipping
Monthly: Animal and Plant Science Kits
Bonus Welcome Gifts
14 Animal and Plant Science Learning Kits
Monthly or Prepaid Plans are available
Animal Science
Ships Bi-Monthly: Odd Months
Plans Start at $41 + $7 shipping
Bi-Monthly: Animal Science Kits
Bonus Welcome Gifts
7 Animal Science Learning Kit Themes
Bi-Monthly or Pre-Paid Plans are availbale
Plant Science
Ships Bi-Monthly: Even Months
Plans Start at
Bi-Monthly: Plant Science Kits
Bonus Welcome Gifts
6-7 Horticulture/Crop Kit Themes
Bi-Monthly Plan or 3 & 6 Kit Pre-Pay Available