Sheep Learning Kit

Little Lambs Unboxed: Kids Sonder Agriculture Unboxed

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in January 2024, there were roughly five million sheep in the U.S. Texas and California produce about 25% of lambs.

China is the highest producer of sheep in the world (42%), followed by India and Australia.

Sheep are divided into three (3) different classes: Ewe Breeds (breeding and wool production), Ram Breeds (meat production) and Dual Purpose Breeds (breeding/wool and/or meat production). There are hair sheep and wool sheep have different fiber classification types; Fine, Medium and Long. What are the wool characteristics that make wool unique? How does wool felt together? What are the cuts of meat that we get from lamb?

All these questions and more are answered in Little Lambs Unboxed, which dives deeper into the sheep industry, and Kids Sonder Agriculture Unboxed members learn more about ovinology, wool and meat science.

Little Lambs Unboxed Learning Kit

Liitle Lambs Unboxed - See Inside Our Kids Agriculture Education Learning Kit

Welcome to the world of lambs with our September Kids Sonder Agriculture Unboxed kit. This month’s kit is full of sheep knowledge, information and activities for kids 9-13+ to learn about lambs and the sheep industry starting with our 24-page Little Lambs Unboxed Educational Guide and Sheep Breed Identification Cards. 

Little Lambs Unboxed Learning Kit Contents

Little Lambs Unboxed Educational Guide and Breed Identification Cards

Your kids are going to love learning about the sheep history and fun facts, lamb production lifecycle, lamb products, external parts and the top 10 U.S. sheep producing states. Fifteen sheep breeds are highlighted on the Kids Sonder Agriculture Field Guide sheep breed identification binder cards.

"Good Dog: Herd Your Loud and Clear ?" by Cam Higgins

Loveable puppy Bo Davis has his work cut out for him when he has to herd the farm’s sheep by himself! The Good Dog Series is a fun, easy-to-read, fictional series that stories the life of the herding dogs that care aid the shepherds, farmers and ranchers in the agriculture industry.

Genetics: Breed Oridin

Sheep have been around for thousands of years, and the different breeds we see today come from places all over the world. Understanding where each breed came from helps us see how they were developed to do well in different environments and produce things like wool, meat, or milk. In the U.S., sheep breeds from Europe, Asia, and Africa were brought over and mixed to create breeds that are strong, adaptable, and perfect for our needs here. Learning about breed origins also helps us appreciate how these animals have shaped farming and agriculture in the country!

wool science activities

Animal Science: Wool and Fiber Science

Learn about wool characteristics, types and grading. Members will learn about each and use their knowledge to figure out the mystery wool. Sheep’s and Goat’s milk is not only used to make cheese and yogurts but also soap! Felting is a fun and popular use of wool. Use your Sheep/Goat Milk Soap and learn how to wet felt your own Wool Felted Soap.

lamb retail and wholesale meat cut lesson

Meat Science: Lamb Meat Cuts

Learn about meat quality and how fat and the location of cut on the body affects the tenderness and flavor. Become an expert at identifying lamb retail meat cuts.

Kids Sonder Agriculture Unboxed

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Inspire and empower your kids to learn about agriculture, food and the environment with our agriculture education learning kits for kids 9-13+.

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